

Time for a stop in I’d say…yea I have been a busy busy busy bird. However, with all my efforts 2013 will be my kinda year I vow to clog your inboxes with DIY, inspiration, funnies, truths, basically a free for all that is 100% my opinion, views, beliefs and beyond. Judgements welcomed and celebrated but this is the pure unadulterated BIRD of 2013..tock-tock…
{photo by yours truly snapped from inside the Daniels Fisher Clock tower on 16th street mall in downtown Denver}


ImageErin aka E-Rock

Pisces in every sense of the sign

Lover of all things PINK

Creator of her own Happiness

Erin came into my world when I was a mere four years old and I really wanted nothing to do with her so my parents said.  I hid under the sink in the hospital and refused to touch her.  She was an alien in my eyes and honestly sometimes she still is.  Well Erin is all grown up, but is still a baby to me.  Erin is a vibrant personality, a loyal friend, and has an effortless way of approaching everything she does.  I have come to respect these attributes in my sister and love the possibilities of all she has to offer.  Being the delicate designer of her life  Erin is has shown me that even with all the good you put out in the world there is still more to be found even if it is the most narrow of corners and in the darkest of hours.  My little sister is constantly shining that “mirror” of sisterly love in my face , mostly good but sometimes harsh.  I fear without these reflections I would most certainly be more of a loose cannon than I already am.  Growing older I have become aware that my sisters are 98% of my life and without them I’d be lost.

I love you Erin even if I don’t say it you are my cornerstone of life.